Totem's FuryA Protector's Ancient Wisdom UnveiledInthemist-shroudedvalley,avillagewhisperslegendsofatoweringguardian.No Character selected In the mist-shrouded valley, a village whispers legends of a towering guardian. His armor gleams like the moon on a clear night, and his back crowned with a totem pole, each animal spirit brimming with ancient magic.Suddenlythegroundshakes.No Character selected Suddenly, the ground shakes. A roar splits the silence. An armored bear, as fearsome as the darkest night, bounds into the heart of the village, its eyes aflame with wild fury.Thevillagersfleeinterror,butthegiantarmoredmanstepsforward,unbowedbythebeast'smight.No Character selected The villagers flee in terror, but the giant armored man steps forward, unbowed by the beast's might. The two titans clash, a symphony of iron and primal force.Iamthesentinelofthisvillage.Armored man I am the sentinel of this village! Your rampage ends here, beast!RoarIseekthetotemnotyourkindArmored bear RRROOAARR! I seek the totem, not your kind!Thetotemisasacredtrust.Armored man The totem is a sacred trust. It shall not be yours!Asthearmoredmanbracesforanotheronslaught,thetotempoleonhisbackglowswithacelestialluminance.No Character selected As the armored man braces for another onslaught, the totem pole on his back glows with a celestial luminance. The beasts carved upon it come alive with an otherworldly whisper.Heatingtheancientspirits,thegiantslowlyremovesthetotemfromhisback,holdingitaloft.No Character selected Heeding the ancient spirits, the giant slowly removes the totem from his back, holding it aloft. The bear halts, a sense of recognition in its gaze.Thespiritswithinthetotemreachout,envelopingthebearinawarmembrace.No Character selected The spirits within the totem reach out, enveloping the bear in a warm embrace. It's massive form shrinks, resolving into a peaceful dragon, long misunderstood as a harbinger of destruction, now revealed as a keeper of wisdom.Thankyou,Sentinel.Armored bear Thank you, Sentinel. I am the guardian of the ancients, bound to protect the wisdom within. We stand as allies now.Withthedragon'strueformunveiled,thevillagerejoicesandpeacereturns.No Character selected With the dragon's true form unveiled, the village rejoices, and peace returns. The sentinel and the dragon, along with the spirits of the totem, join forces to watch over the land. An alliance of guardians, united by the sacred totem's truth.A giant colossal armoured man with a totem pole on his back , behind him a spirit bear empowers him as he fights enemies, Powerful and epic, Moebius, Donato Giancola and craig mullins, masterfully painted strokes. Plot: In a mystical world, the giant armored man must defend his village from a fearsome armored bear. Twist: The totem pole on his back is the key to pacifying the dragon, revealing it to be a guardian of ancient wisdom rather than an enemy.