Kindness Never Wasted.The Lion, the Mouse, and a Twist of SilkInavibrantforestwovenfromsilk,whereeverycreatureisamasterpieceofthreads,thestoryofcourageandkindnessunfolds.No Character selected In a vibrant forest woven from silk, where every creature is a masterpiece of threads, the story of courage and kindness unfolds.Thegroundtremblesslightlyasthemagnificentlion,renderedinathousandshadesofgoldencrimson,settlesdownundertheshelteringshadeofavastacaciatree.No Character selected The ground trembles slightly as the magnificent lion, rendered in a thousand shades of gold and crimson, settles down under the sheltering shade of a vast acacia tree.Ah,timetorevelinmyafternoonrepose.Lion Ah, time to revel in my afternoon repose. This kingdom of threads is mine to roam, yet peace is found under the acacia's dome.Theembroideredmouse,animageofinnocencewithherpinktutuandpoisedgrace,chancesupontheslumberingking.No Character selected The embroidered mouse, an image of innocence with her pink tutu and poised grace, chances upon the slumbering king. The king leaps and catches the mouse in one swoop.Ohgreatlion,yourmajesty,IdarenotquestionButtrappedIaminthesepaws,mypleaforfreedomImustspeakMouse Oh, great lion, your majesty I dare not question. But trapped I am in these paws, my plea for freedom I must speak.Littledancer,yourplightIseeI'llgrantyoupassage,justpromisemeShouldIeverneed,you'llhearmypleaLion Little dancer, your plight I see. I'll grant you passage, just promise me; should I ever need, you'll hear my plea.Daysgrewintonights,andsoonthelionfoundhimselfentrappedinthesilkenthreadsofhunters.No Character selected Days grew into nights, and soon the lion found himself entrapped in the silken threads of hunters.Mouse,Ihavefallenensnaredbymyownland.Lion Mouse! I have fallen, ensnared by my own land! Aid me, or my reign shall end at these hunters' hands.Fearnot,mightylion,formywordisasstrongasthesilkthatbinds.Mouse Fear not, mighty lion, for my word is as strong as the silk that binds. I'll chew through this trap; freedom you shall find.Andso,themouse'stinystitchesofdeterminationsawedthroughthehunter'snet,provingthatkindnessweavesthestrongestsilk.No Character selected And so, the mouse's tiny stitches of determination sawed through the hunters' net, proving that kindness weaves the strongest silk. A kindness is never wasted.minimalist flat design entirely made of silk thread. a machine-embroidered 2D cute white mouse in a pink French tutu and pointe shoes, in a balletic pose, she is made of stitching and is flat with the background, embroidery work on a tapestry, vibrant silk threads of pinks, grey, blues, and crimson, gold and silver metallic thread, thread stitching texture visible, the background is solid color textured stitching, realistic, flat with only dimension in the embroidery texture. Plot: The Lion & the Mouse aesop fable Twist: The Lion & the Mouse