Plant Pawed PurrerA Cheerful Cat's Quest for a Vegan LifestyleOnceuponatimeintheshadeofalushpersimmontree,ajollyfatyellowcatnamedTommyembarkedonapeculiaradventure.[Elli] Once upon a time, in the shade of a lush persimmon tree, a jolly fat yellow cat named Tommy embarked on a peculiar adventure.Ah,thesweetscentofripepersimmons.Tommy Ah, the sweet scent of ripe persimmons! But no, I've made a pledge to Mother Nature to nibble only on what sprouts from the Earth.Tommy,withadispositionassunnyasherfur,wasdeterminedtoleadaveganlife,despitehercarnivorousnature.No Character selected Tommy, with a disposition as sunny as her fur, was determined to lead a vegan life, despite her carnivorous nature.HeyTommy,whatyoudoingwiththatbread?[Mickey] Hey Tommy, whatcha doing with that bread? Ain't that a little bland for a cat with your refined tastes?Arnold,myfriend,I'mexploringthebountyoftheplantkingdom.Tommy Arnold, my friend! I'm exploring the bounty of the plant kingdom. It's a whole new world of flavors!ButTommy'sbellyrumbled,betrayinghernobleintentionsItlongedforafeastnotmadeofgrain,butofgame[Elli] But Tommy's belly rumbled, betraying her noble intentions. It longed for a feast not made of grain but of game.HaveyouheardofBeyondMeat,Tommy?[Arnold] Have you heard of Beyond Meat, Tommy? It might just be the answer to your herbivorous hankerings!Eureka!Tommy Eureka! This is what my whiskers were waiting for! A cruelty-free concoction that's kind-hearted and kind to my palate!Andwiththatdiscovery,Tommybecameabeaconofhopeforcatsdreamingofaplant-basedparadise.No Character selected And with that discovery, Tommy became a beacon of hope for cats dreaming of a plant-based paradise. She never looked back, except perhaps to admire the persimmons swaying in the breeze.A cheerful fat yellow cat is eating bread under the persimmon tree in front of house , childish, lively and funny, flat illustration, by Raoul Dufy, Plot: The cat is trying to be vegan. Twist: It discovers beyond meat and never looks back.