Mirage ExpressJourney to the Oasis of SoulsAvastexpanseofdesertstretchestothehorizon,thesunafierceeyeinthesky.[Narrator] A vast expanse of desert stretches to the horizon, the sun a fierce eye in the sky. A ghostly locomotive floats above the dunes, silent and enigmatic.TheysaiditwasamythThephantomtraincarryingwatertomiragesButthereitisAsrealasthesandbeneathmyboots[Antoni] They said it was a myth, the phantom train carryin' water to mirages. But there it is, as real as the sand beneath my boots.Antony'sthroatwasparched,hissuppliesdwindling,butthesightofthespectrallocomotivegavehimasliverofhope.[Narrator] Antoni's throat was parched, his supplies dwindling, but the sight of the spectral locomotive gave him a sliver of hope.Orperhapsit'sanaugury,Antony.[Adam] Or perhaps it's an augury, Antoni. An invitation from the desert herself. One you can't afford to refuse.Withoutwarning,thetraindescended,offeringapeculiarladder.[Narrator] Without warning, the train descended, offering a peculiar ladder. As if possessed by the spirit of adventure, Antoni climbed aboard.Adam,areyouseeingthis?[Antoni] Adam, are you seein' this? Tell me I ain't dreamin'!It'sasrealasitgets,myfriend.[Adam] It's as real as it gets, my friend. Let's see where this phantom wants to take us.Thetrain,awatercarrierfromabygoneera,hummedtolife,crossingtheduneseffortlessly.[Narrator] The train—a water carrier from a bygone era—hummed to life, crossing the dunes effortlessly. It was guiding Antoni and Adam to salvation.Finally,thetrainhalted.[Narrator] Finally, the train halted. Below them, an oasis thrived, a hidden jewel of the desert. The Ghost of the Water Train had fulfilled its purpose.Wefoundit,anoasis.[Adam] We've found it, an oasis! More than just water, it's a message. In the endless sands of time, we're never truly alone.Thetwomendescended,thetrainfadingintoawhisperonthewind.[Narrator] The two men descended, the train fading into a whisper on the wind. The desert had revealed her secret, quenching more than their thirst—their souls invigorated by the journey through the impossible.Quint Buchholz's painting depicting a man walking through the desert with a train floating above him. Plot: the train is a the ghost of a water train that derailed. twist: it helps the man reach an oasis. Ensure only 2-3 characters that fit the plot are incorporated.