Hare & TortoiseA Modern Take on Aesop's FableLookatme!Hare Look at me! I am the undisputed champion of speed in these woods!MightIchallengethatthought,Mr.Tortoise Might I challenge that thought, mr. Rabbit? It's not the speed but the journey and its completion that matter.Ha!Hare Ha! What a joke. Alright, Tortoise, if it's a challenge you want, it's a challenge you'll get. Let's have a race!Slowandsteadywinstherace,Hare.Tortoise "Slow and steady wins the race", Hare. That's the truest wisdom of them all.Wellthen,maythebestspeedsterwin!Hare Well then, may the best speedster win. We'll see who gets the last laugh!Andso,theracebegan.Tommy And so the race began. Hare bolted ahead, leaving Tortoise far behind. Confident of his lead, Hare decided to rest under a tree.Meanwhile,Tortoisekeptmovingforwardinchbyinch,unwaveringandpatientuntilitslidesacrossthefinishline.Tommy Meanwhile, Tortoise kept moving forward, inch by inch, unwavering and patient, until... it slides across the finish line.Slowandsteadydoesitafterall.Tortoise Slow and steady does it, after all.I...Ican'tbelieveit.Hare I... I can't believe it. Well done, Tortoise. True victory lies in persistence and humility. I will spread this lesson far and wide for years to come. So, in a way, I actually win! Ha!Aesop fable, hare and tortoise