Upward BoundUnexpected Secrets at Sunset MotelThisplace,itfeelsstrange,doesn'tit?[Sam] This place... it feels strange, doesn’t it?It'sthemotel,Sam.[Elli] It's the motel, Sam. It's like it's out of time. Look at the way the light hits it, kind of surreal, like a painting.Suddenly,asSampaces,hisfeetlosetouchwiththeground.No Character selected Suddenly, as Sam paces, his feet lose touch with the ground. He begins to hover, his expression a mix of confusion and awe.Sam,areyoufloating?[Elli] Sam, are you... floating?!Ithinkso.[Sam] I think so! It's like gravity just... forgot about me.Ithastobethisspot.[Elli] It has to be this spot. It's not just the motel, it's the environment. The sunset, the slight chill in the air, it's like a recipe.Youmightbeontosomething,Ellie.[Adam] You might be onto something, Elli. There's a perfect electromagnetic field here, created by the setting sun and the positioning of the motel. Room temperature levitation is theoretical, but here... we're witnessing it.Asthesundipsbelowthehorizon,thephenomenonfades,andgravityreclaimsitshold.No Character selected As the sun dips below the horizon, the phenomenon fades, and gravity reclaims its hold. But the truth remains, for a moment they touched the sky, grounded only by the disbelief of gravity.tricolor drawing of a small group of young adults talking together in front of a roadside motel under a tall clouded orange sunset sky and 1960's country setting with the sky taking up most of the image. Twist: They discover room temperature levitation. Twist: Its the specific environment that made it possible. Use only 2-3 characters relevant to the script