Dragon's HeirNikki's Enchanted JourneyNikki,lookatthisegghiddenamongsttheferns.Mariam Nikki, look at this egg hidden amongst the ferns!It'sbeautiful.[Nikki] It's beautiful! It gleams like burnished gold. Do you think it's, I don't know, special?Asthefullmoonbathestheegginsilverylight,ittrembles,crackinggently,asifgreetingthecelestialtouch.No Character selected As the full moon bathes the egg in silvery light, it trembles, cracking gently as if greeting the celestial touch.Greetings,Nikki.Dragon Greetings, Nikki. I am your protector, as you are mine.You,youcantalkandyouknowmyname.[Nikki] You... you can talk?! And you know my name?Thedragonnodssagely,itsscalesreflectingthemoon'sglowinhuesofadeepmesmerizingred.No Character selected The dragon nods sagely, its scales reflecting the moon's glow in hues of a deep, mesmerizing red.Indeed,forcenturiesyourlineagehasriddendragonsmaintainingpeacebetweenourkinds.Dragon Indeed, for centuries your lineage has ridden dragons, maintaining peace between our kinds. It is time for you to embrace your destiny, Nikki.Inaswirlofembersandsmoke,theworldaroundNikkitransforms.No Character selected In a swirl of embers and smoke, the world around Nikki transforms. With the dragon, she now flies above the timeless hills, the keeper of an unspoken truce.Whatdoesitfeellike,Nikki,toflywithadragon?Mariam What does it feel like, Nikki? To fly with a dragon?It'slikenothingelse.[Nikki] It's like nothing else - it's like freeing a part of my soul I never knew I had. It feels... right.Andso,amidstwhispersofwindandwonder,Nikkiascendstotheskies.No Character selected And so, amidst whispers of wind and wonder, Nikki ascends to the skies - not just as a dragon rider but as a protector imbued with ancient magic and an eternal bond.Theme: 3D illustration of a girl riding a cute red Chinese dragon flying among green hills and clouds, Asian painting, Pixar, soft shading, emotive fields of color, Minimalist Style, ethereal landscapes, red and yellow, lovecore, Elegant brushes, details you'll miss in the blink of an eye. Plot: Nikki finds an egg in the forest that turns into a dragon. Twist: Nikki learns that she is actually part of a lineage of dragon riders, destined to protect the balance between humans and dragons.