AwakeThe Reveal of Rev. King's True MessageOnadaychargedwithhistory,amanrosewhosevoiceshapedtheages.[Narrator] On a day charged with history, a man rose whose voice shaped the ages. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an emblem of peace and equality, stands before us, his image etched in digital lines of posterity.Yousee,Dr.[Arnold] You see, Dr. King preached about 'remaining awake' through a revolution. Not just being 'woke' to pass trending standards.Artandculturearesociety'smirrorhasrepaintedhisportraitfocusingonIhaveadreamyethiddenbehindthehuesofadmirationlayhisprofoundawakenings[Elli] Art and culture, our society's mirror, has repainted his portrait, focusing on 'I have a dream.' Yet, hidden behind the hues of admiration, lay his profound awakenings.Andit'sourtask,isn'tit?[Josh] And it's our task, isn’t it? To be vigilant, to embody the principles he lived by – equality, service, and unwavering courage.Moreover,hisphilosophicaldoctrineechoedthroughtime.[Domi] Moreover, his philosophical doctrine echoed through time. That justice is love correcting what stands against love. He was a drum major for justice, indeed.Innovationwaskeytohismessage.[Adam] Innovation was key to his message. He harnessed the power of the new media – television – to propagate his philosophy.AsthevectorlinesofKing'sportraitconverge,forminganimageofresolveandvision,let'sremembertostayawakeinaworldwherebeingwokeisoftenmerelyephemeral.[Narrator] As the vector lines of King's portrait converge, forming an image of resolve and vision, let's remember to stay awake in a world where being 'woke' is often merely illustrated vector portrait of dr martin luther king on white background. The reveal: MLK preached "remaining awake" and not being "woke"