Star DogsA Prophecy of Cosmic CaninesMy fellow esteemed companions,welcome to the hallowed chamber of the stars.Council dog My fellow esteemed companions, welcome to the hallowed chamber of the stars.Wegathertodaytowitnessthefulfillmentoftheage-oldprophecy,PresenttheChosenOne.Council dog We gather today to witness the fulfilment of the age-old prophecy. Present the chosen one!IamherebutIfeeltherehasbeenamistake.Chosen dog I am here, but I feel there has been a mistake. I possess no abilities worthy of prophecy.Doubtnottheprophecy,youngone.Council dog Doubt not the prophecy, Young One. It has been foretold, and so it shall pass.Youwillbetrainedintheancientways.Council dog You will be trained in the ancient ways. The survival of the galaxy depends on your mastery.TheprophecyisnothingbutatailIwoven.Rival counsel dog The prophecy... is nothing but a tale I woven. Fools! I thought to control your decisions through it!ThenwhatamI?Chosen dog Then what am I? Without this so-called prophecy, do I have a place among you?Yourtruepotentiallieswithinanunchartedpower,onenotboundbyfabrications.Council dog Your true potential lies within an uncharted power, one not bound by fabrications. You are the one to chart a path to our future style.Together,withoutthechainsoffalsedestinies,weshallforgeanewpathforthegalaxy.Council dog Together, without the chains of false destinies, we shall forge a new path for the galaxy!an interplanetary council of elder french bulldogs dressed in exotic, futuristic high status clothing, science fiction background, Plot: A young French bulldog, believed to be the prophecy's chosen one, joins the council. The elders must guide and mentor this new member, whose unique abilities could either save or doom the galaxy, depending on how they are honed and used. Twist: The prophecy is revealed to be a fabrication by a rival council member who sought to manipulate the council's decisions. The young bulldog's true potential is entirely different and more powerful than initially believed. Characters: Bull dog, Master dog, Council dog