Stellar AdventureNikki and Mariam's Cosmic QuestLook,Nikki,doyouseetheBigDipper?Mariam Look, Nikki! Do you see the Big Dipper?Yes,butlookcloser.[Nikki] Yes, but look closer. Can you imagine if we could sail across the stars like explorers?Whatifwecould?Mariam What if we could! Let's make a wish, Nikki!Asthegirlsclosetheireyes,asoftglowenvelopedthem,liftingthemgentlyofftheground.No Character selected As the girls closed their eyes, a soft glow enveloped them, lifting them gently off the ground.We'reflying,Mariam![Nikki] We're flying, Mariam! We're really flying!Hoveringamidstthecosmos,thestarstwinkled,asifinvitingthegirlstotouchthem.No Character selected Hovering amidst the cosmos, the stars twinkled, as if inviting the girls to touch them.I'mgoingtoconnectthesestars.Mariam I'm going to connect these stars... Now, it's a heart!AndI'lldrawadragontoprotectitWe'releavingourmarkamongthestars[Nikki] And I'll draw a dragon to protect it! We're leaving our mark among the stars!Theirlaughterechoedthroughthecosmosaseachnewconstellationtheycreatedsparkedtolife,foreveralteringthecelestiallandscape.No Character selected Their laughter echoed through the cosmos as each new constellation they created sparked to life, forever altering the celestial landscape.Create an illustration for a children's book. There is a eight_year_old_girl with pixie_cut brown smooth hair with no ponytail. The girl has a baby look, distinctive round_cheeks and big_eyes with long lashes. The girl is curiously smiling, sitting_on_a_floor in children_room in her pyjamas. The girl is looking_up to a skylight window on a roof. The girl is watching the stars that can be seen through the skylight window. The stars light up the face of the girl. make it in fairytale style. Plot: Nikki and Mariam go on a journey in the stars. Twist: During their adventure, Nikki and Mariam discover they have the power to create new constellations, altering the night sky and leaving their mark on the universe.