Inner CreativityThe guru's Musings on Human CreativityHumancreativity,oftenit'sperceivedasaburstoforiginalthought,asparkofsomethingentirelynewunderthesun.Sadhguru Human creativity... ... often it's perceived... ... as a burst of original thought... ... a spark of something entirely new under the sun...Butinessence,creativityisbutastitchingtogetherofthefabricalreadyavailableinthecosmos.Sadhguru ...but, in essence, creativity is but a stitching together of the fabric already available in the cosmos...Wearemerechannels.Sadhguru We... are mere channels. What flows through us... ideas, music, art... is the universe expressing itself...SoIinviteyou,createsomethingforyourself.Sadhguru So I invite you... create something for yourself... for now. Let it be your diary entry... ... yes, a reflection of the self.Inscribethereinyourexperiences,yourlifeastheystandinthismoment,unembellishedandsincere.Sadhguru Inscribe therein... your experiences, your life, as they stand in this moment, unembellished and sincere...Thispersonalreflection,thismirror,itrevealsnotjustwhoyouare,butalsothelatentpossibilitiesofwhoyoumaybecome.Sadhguru This personal reflection, this mirror... it reveals not just who you are but also the latent possibilities of who you may become...Andwitheachcreation,witheachhonestassessment,youshallfind,myfriend,asteppingstonetowardsself-improvement.Sadhguru ...and with each creation, with each honest assessment, you shall find, my friend... a stepping stone toward self-improvement...ThereforecreatetoreflectcreatetodiscoverandultimatelyevencreatetoevolvewiththeworldnamasteSadhguru Therefore, create to reflect, ... create to discover, ... and ultimately, ... create to evolve with the world... Namaste...Sadhguru soliloquy on creativity without narrator. Add ... to slow down speech. Human creativity is just imitation of things that are already there. We are just a channel to what is being created. Create something for yourself for now. It is a dairy entry. It what your experience of your life. A personal reflection of who you are at that point in time. The end goal is to self improve by creating and evaluating.