Circle of StormsWhere power and mystery collideIntheheartofaturbulentstorm,ayoungwoman,Mazey,standsfearlesslyonamassivecircularstone.No Character selected In the heart of a turbulent storm, a young woman, Mazey, stands fearlessly on a massive circular stone. Blue lightning dances violently around her, illuminating the night.Maizey,thestormrespondstoyourcall,yetyouseemtroubled.Dragon Mazey, the storm responds to your call, yet you seem troubled. What seek you within the heart of chaos?Dragon,Iseekanswers.[Mazey] Dragon, I seek answers. Answers to a power that's both a gift and a curse. Why am I the chosen one? Why?Thelightningchoosesnotwithoutreason.Monk The lightning chooses not without reason. It is both your test and your path to enlightenment, Mazey. But beware, for great power requires great balance.That'swhyI'mhere,seekingwisdomfromthedragonandthemonk'sperspectiveonthemysteriessurroundingmypower.[Mazey] That's why I'm here, seeking wisdom from the dragon and the monk's perspective on the mysteries surrounding my power.Remember,Mazey,powerlikethiscomesonceinanepoch.Dragon Remember, Mazey, power like this comes once in an epoch. You must choose your path wisely—for with each bolt you control, the balance of nature shifts.Andremember,withinyouliesnotjustthestorm'sfury,butalsothecalmeyethatcantameit.Monk And remember, within you lies not just the storm's fury, but also the calm eye that can tame it. Seek balance within, and you'll find the answers you seek.Asthestormabates,leavingasereneazuresky,Mazeyrealizesherjourneyhasjustbegun.No Character selected As the storm abates, leaving a serene azure sky, Mazey realizes her journey has just begun. A journey to master her power, guided by the wisdom of allies, in search of the delicate balance that lies between chaos and control.Use pixar story spine. a young woman standing in the middle of a massive circular stone that is laying on the ground, she has dark hair. a large bolt of lightning is encircling her Charactors: detective, Mazey, dragon, monk Theme: anime, blue lightning, uhd 4k