Starlight TaleA journey through the starsOnceuponatime,thenightskywasacanvasofdarkness,saveforonelittlestarthattwinkledwithallitsmight.No Character selected Once upon a time, the night sky was a canvas of darkness, save for one little star that twinkled with all its might.Lookatthatone,Luna.Dragon Look at that one, Luna. It seems like it's trying to tell us something.Iwonderwhyitshinessobright.Luna I wonder why it shines so bright. What's its secret?Everynight,DragonandLunaponderedthismystery,untiloneday,ashootingstarcrossedtheirpath,bearingamessage.No Character selected Every night, Dragon and Luna pondered this mystery, until one day, a shooting star crossed their path, bearing a message.Thesecretliesnotinwhythestarshines,butforwhomitshines.[Detective] The secret lies not in why the star shines, but for whom it shines.Forwhom?Dragon For whom? You mean, it shines for someone special?Let'sfindthatsomeone!Luna Let's find that someone! It might lead us to understand our own lights.Andso,spurredbycuriosityandhope,theyembarkedonaquest,lookingfortheoneforwhomthestarshonethebrightest.No Character selected And so, spurred by curiosity and hope, they embarked on a quest, looking for the one for whom the star shone the brightest.Theirjourneybroughtthemtoaquietvillage,whereasmallchild,eyeswidewithwonder,wasgazingupattheverysamestar.No Character selected Their journey brought them to a quiet village, where a small child, eyes wide with wonder, was gazing up at the very same star.Coulditbe?Dragon Could it be? Does the star shine for you, little one?Itshinesforallwhodaretodream,"thechildwhispered,eyessparklinglikethestaritself.Luna "It shines for all who dare to dream," the child whispered, eyes sparkling like the star itself.DragonandLunarealizedthenthatthestar'sbrilliancewasareflectionofthecollectivehopesanddreamsofthosewholookeduponit.No Character selected Dragon and Luna realized then that the star's brilliance was a reflection of the collective hopes and dreams of those who looked upon it. And so, they too, cast their dreams into the night sky, adding to its sparkle.