Why We LiveA Child's Journey of CuriosityOnabrightsunnymorning,theplayfulsoundsofchildrenechoacrossthevibrantschoolyard,paintedineveryhueofimagination.Tommy On a bright sunny morning, the playful sounds of children echo across the vibrant schoolyard, painted in every hue of imagination.HeyMariam,haveyoueverwonderedwhywe'realive?[Nikki] Hey Mariam, have you ever wondered why we're alive? What's our purpose?That'sadeepquestion,Nikki!Mariam That's a deep question, Nikki! I think it's to discover things and learn!Astheschoolbellrings,thechildrendashintotheirclassroom,theirmindsbrimmingwithcuriosity.Tommy As the school bell rings, the children dash into their classroom, their minds brimming with curiosity.Butwelearnsomuch.[Nikki] But we learn so much. When will we know everything?Never,"ourteachersaid.Mariam Never," our teacher said. "Life is an endless adventure. Each day brings new mysteries to solve.Thechildrenponderthis,lookingateachotherinwondermentastheideaofinfinitediscoverysettlesintheiryoungminds.Tommy The children ponder this, looking at each other in wonderment as the idea of infinite discovery settles in their young minds.Maybelivingisaboutcreatingstoriesandsharingthem,justliketheonesinourbooks.Mariam Maybe living is about creating stories and sharing them, just like the ones in our books.Andmakingnewfriends,helpingeachother,andbeinghappy![Nikki] And making new friends, helping each other, and being happy!NikkiandMariam,brainsabuzzwithnewfoundunderstanding,stepoutintotheplaygroundonceagain,readytoembracetheboundlessjourneyoflife.Tommy Nikki and Mariam, brains abuzz with newfound understanding, step out into the playground once again, ready to embrace the boundless journey of life."why we live" for kids. characters: nikki, mariam, narrator