Don't FallA whimsical tale of courage and friendshipInavibrantkingdom,paintedinbroadstrokesofwatercolor,amassiveancientwallovershadowsthepeacefulcottages.No Character selected In a vibrant kingdom, painted in broad strokes of watercolor, a massive ancient wall overshadows the peaceful cottages.Whydoyousitonthatwalleveryday,Humpty?[Cat] Why do you sit on that wall every day, Humpty? It's so dangerous!Theworldfromuphereisincredible,Cat![Humpty] The world from up here is incredible, Cat! I see the entire kingdom, the distant mountains, and the endless sky!Sittinghere,Idodreamoftheotherside,though.[Humpty] Sitting here, I do dream of the other side, though. What's beyond our kingdom?Whydon'tyoufindout?Pixels Why don't you find out? I can create a ladder in your storybook world. Be careful!WiththehelpofPixels'ladder,HumptyandCatembarkonajourneyoverthewall,theirheartsracingwithexcitementandadashoffear.No Character selected With the help of Pixels' ladder, Humpty and Cat embark on a journey over the wall, their hearts racing with excitement and a dash of fear.Lookatthis![Cat] Look at this! A garden of sunflowers that touch the sky!It'smorebeautifulthanIimagined.[Humpty] It's more beautiful than I imagined. I like this adventure!Asthesunsets,paintingtheskyinhuesoforangeandpink,HumptyandCatmaketheirwayback.No Character selected As the sun sets, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Humpty and Cat make their way back. They are forever changed by the adventure beyond the wall, in a story where Humpty doesn't fall.Humpty dumpty