Twinkle TwinkleA cosmic adventure in a starry nightWhydostarstwinkleinthenight?Pico Why do stars twinkle in the night?It'stheirwayofsayinghellotousonEarth![Cat] It's their way of saying hello to us on Earth!Ormaybethey'resingingamajesticsong,onlyvisible,notaudible.Tora Or maybe they're singing a majestic song, only visible, not audible.I'vereadit'sduetotheEarth'satmosphere.Pixels I've read it's due to the Earth's atmosphere. But I like your ideas better.WhatifItoldyoueachtwinklewasastoryfromafar-offworld?Luna What if I told you each twinkle was a story from a far-off world?Everystartellsastory...Ilovethat![Cat] "Every star tells a story"... I love that!Let'smakeapromisetosharestoriesunderthestarseverynight.Pico Let's make a promise to share stories under the stars every night.EveryoneshoutsPROMISEandsettledowntowatchthestarrysky.Tommy Everyone shouts "PROMISE" and settle down to watch the starry sky.Twinkle twinke little star