Tides of TimeA Journey of Celestial RevelationsBeneaththeluminescenceofablood-redmoon,anarmoredsentinelwalksthelinewherewatermeetsshore.[Narrator] Beneath the luminescence of a blood-red moon, an armored sentinel walks the line where water meets shore.Theysaythemoonisamistresswhocanpullattheheartlikeshepullsthetides.[Elli] They say the moon is a mistress who can pull at the heart like she pulls the tides.Andinherenigmaticdance,shewhisperssecretsoftimeitself.[Domi] And in her enigmatic dance, she whispers secrets of time itself.Justlookather,Arnold.[Bella] Just look at her, Arnold. Our Power Ranger of the cosmos, draped not in armor but in destiny.Aye,Bella.[Arnold] Aye, Bella. She stands guard over an eternal riddle, one that might unlock the very fabric of existence.Witheachfootstepherhelmetcapturesthecrimsonglow,amirrortothecelestial.[Narrator] With each footstep, her helmet captures the crimson glow, a mirror to the celestial.Whatifwithinthatreflectionliesthepowertobendwhatweperceiveasunyielding?[Adam] What if, within that reflection, lies the power to bend what we perceive as unyielding – Time?It'ssomethingmore,Sarah.[Sam] It's something more, Sarah. Beyond commerce and conquest—it's about understanding the pulse of the universe.Asthewaveslapatherfeetinrhythmicassurance,ourPowerRangerpressesaconcealedmechanismuponhergauntlet.[Narrator] As the waves lap at her feet in rhythmic assurance, our Power Ranger presses a concealed mechanism upon her gauntlet.Thefabricofthecosmostrembles,timebeginstoreverse.[Narrator] The fabric of the cosmos trembles; time begins to reverse. A chance to undo, to redo, to renew. For in her hands, the tides are not the only things subject to the pull of the moon. Time is the master control.Wide-angle shot of an elegant black marble armored sci-fi astronaut power ranger on the beach. Her helmet reflects the bright red moon. Ethereal light, wes Anderson, Maxfield Parrish, Klimt, Kusama. The reveal at the end: She figures out how to rewind time.