SLIME TIMEThe Sticky, Goopy Adventure BeginsHello,youngscientistsandslimeenthusiasts.[Mrs. ada] Hello, young scientists and slime enthusiasts!Todaywe'reembarkingonastickyquesttocreatetheperfectslime.[Mrs. ada] Today, we're embarking on a sticky quest to create the perfect slime!First,weneedourbase,goodoldglue.[Mrs. ada] First, we need our base: good ol' glue. Pour a cup into a bowl with the same patience you'd use to fill a cupcake tray.Now,let'saddasplashofcolor.[Mrs. ada] Now, let's add a splash of color! Choose your favorite dye and mix it in until it's as vibrant as a rainbow.It'stimeforthemagicactivator,ateaspoonofbakingsodainacupofwater.[Mrs. ada] It's time for the magic activator – a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water!Stir,stir,stir.[Mrs. ada] Stir, stir, stir! As the concoction thickens, you'll feel like a witch over her bubbling cauldron.Whenit'spullingawayfromthebowlliketaffyatthecountyfair,it'stimetokneadwithyourhands.[Mrs. ada] When it's pulling away from the bowl like taffy at the county fair, it's time to knead with your hands.Congratulations,you'vedoneit![Mrs. ada] Congratulations, you've done it! You've created not just slime, but a stretchy masterpiece to squeeze, poke, and enjoy.How to make slime. Use a single voice without narrator.