Clear is KindImportance of clear communicationAlrightteam,let'sgetstartedonthisproject.Theo Alright team, let's get started on this project. Just do what you think is best.Theo,haveyouprovidedthemwithclearexpectations?Nikki Theo, have you provided them with clear expectations? They need guidance.ButIthoughttheywouldjustfigureitout.Theo But I thought they would just figure it out. They're capable!So,withoutclarity,theymightinterpretyourinstructionsdifferently.Nikki So, without clarity, they might interpret your instructions differently. You need to be specific.IguessIassumedtheyknewwhatIwanted.Theo I guess I assumed they understood what I wanted. I'll check on their progress.AsTheoinspectsthework,henoticesthedrasticdifferencesininterpretations.Narrator As Theo inspects the work, he notices the drastic differences in interpretations.Thisisn'twhatIexpectedatall!Theo This isn't what I expected at all! I really need to clarify my instructions.So,beclearwithyourexpectations.Nikki So, be clear with your expectations. Remember, 'clear is kind'.You'reright!Theo You're right! And you should expect what you inspect. I will be clear and follow up, so my team can do their best work.Plot: @Theo a new team leader, struggles to delegate tasks and keeps everything vague, assuming his team knows what to do. His mentor, @Samantha steps in with advice, emphasizing that clear expectations and guidance are critical for success. Twist: @Theo realizes the project is going off the rails because he was not clear on what he expected. When he finally inspects the work, he finds his team interpreted the instructions in completely opposite ways. Relizing "clear is kind" helped Theo empower his team to do their best work.