Disruptive LessonShake it upClass,Mrs. Parker Class, today we're learning how to shake up a market!Buthowdowedothat,Timmy But how do we do that, Mrs. Parker?Whenyouwanttodisruptacompany,Mrs. Parker When you want to disrupt a company, target its fixed cost base.LikeAmazonwithWalmart'sinventoryspace?Timmy Like Amazon with Walmart's inventory space?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! So, if you were to compete against Amazon, you could target their warehousing.Byautomatingitorfindingabetterwaytodistribute?Timmy By automating it or finding a better way to distribute? Imagine robots at home building things for you.Yes!Mrs. Parker Yes! Companies struggle not because they don't work hard, but because their fixed costs depreciate faster than expected.Alright!Timmy Alright! We need to be smart and find new ways to be efficient!Plot: A teacher explains how to disrupt a market in an entertaining way. Quote: When you want to disrupt a company, target its fixed cost base. For example, Amazon challenged Walmart’s inventory space. If you were to compete against Amazon, you could target their warehousing—either by automating warehousing or by finding a more efficient way to distribute. Companies go bankrupt not because they didn’t work hard, but because their fixed costs depreciate faster than they anticipated @Mrs. Parker: Unpredictable Examiner @Timmy: Resourceful 8yr old +Theme: children's book style, quirky, frayed, soft sculptures, grayscale with white highlights