Grit MattersResilience and adaptabilityWelcomeeveryone!Mrs. Parker Welcome everyone! Today, let's talk about something crucial: grit.Isn'tmoneymoreimportant,Timmy Isn't money more important, Mrs. Parker?Moneydoesn'tmatter,Mrs. Parker Money doesn't matter, Timmy. Rich people say that, but what happens when they face challenges?So,Timmy So, looks don't matter either, right?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! Attractive people say that, but inner strength is what really matters.Butwhataboutintelligence?Timmy But what about intelligence?Smartpeoplemightsaythat,Mrs. Parker Smart people might say that, but grit and determination are what count.So,Timmy So, what do we need for success then?Agency,Mrs. Parker Agency, willfulness, and determination! They will help you navigate an ever-changing world.AndAI?Timmy And AI? How does it fit in?AIwillbethebiggestleveronhumanwillfulness,Mrs. Parker AI will be the biggest lever on human willfulness, enabling you to have more impact than ever!Allyouneedisgritthen.Timmy All you need is grit then. For the rest, there's AI.Plot: A teacher explains the value of grit. Quotes to use: Money doesn't matter- say rich people, looks don't matter- say attractive people, intelligence doesn't matter- say smart people. They're all true. What matters is grit and determination. The biggest winners in history are people who did yolo runs because other's couldn't. Agency, willfulness, and determination will likely be extremely valuable. Correctly deciding what to do and figuring out how to navigate an ever-changing world will have huge value; resilience and adaptability will be helpful skills to cultivate. AI will be the biggest lever ever on human willfulness, and enable individual people to have more impact than ever before bgImagePrompt template: [Object description], high-resolution photography, product photography, studio lighting, bokeh effect, photorealistic photography, professional color grading @Mrs. Parker @Timmy