Measure InputsBeats Chasing Results Every TimeIfeelsoimpatientwithmyprogress!Nikki I feel so impatient with my progress! Why isn’t everything happening as fast as I want?It'snaturaltofeelthatway,Nikki,butremember,impatiencewithactionleadstoburnout.Mrs. Parker It's natural to feel that way, Nikki, but remember, impatience with action leads to burnout.ButhowdoIstaymotivatedwhilewaitingforresults?Nikki But how do I stay motivated while waiting for results?Focusonthesmall,consistentactionsyoucancontrol,insteadoffixatingonthefinalgoal.Mrs. Parker Focus on the small, consistent actions you can control, instead of fixating on the final goal.So,Ishouldtrackmyactionsinsteadofjusttheoutcomes?Nikki So, I should track my actions instead of just the outcomes?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! You have the right to work hard, but detaching from the results helps maintain your peace.Thatmakessense.Nikki That makes sense. So, it’s about trusting the process and allowing things to unfold?Yes!Mrs. Parker Yes! Remember, we stand on the shoulders of giants. Their systems can guide us!So,Ijustneedtotakeadaptiveactionstowardmygoals,right?Nikki So, I just need to take adaptive actions toward my goals, right?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! You have to be impatient with action, but be patient with results.impatience with action, but patience with results. Trust the process and the shoulders of giants we stand on. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems Focus on what you can control, let go of what you cannot Focus on small, consistent actions rather than expecting rapid change. Measure improvements in processes and daily practices You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. Perform your duties and actions with dedication but detach from worrying about the results. Track leading indicators (inputs/actions) to influence lagging indicators (results). Take adaptive, continuous action toward goals while allowing outcomes to unfold naturally over time. @Nikki @Mrs. Parker Image prompt theme: +Art Movements + Epoques:De Stijl