Future FocusThe Power of Long-Term VisionToday,Mrs. Parker Today, class, let's discuss the importance of long-term thinking. Why do you think it matters?Iguessbecauseweneedtoplanforthefuture?Timmy I guess because we need to plan for the future?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! But think about gamblers. They are high-risk investors in the short term.So,Timmy So, they might win big quickly, but they can also lose everything!Right!Mrs. Parker Right! There is lots of competition for short term gains. Planning over the long term creates a moat for those who don't give in to impulsive behavior.So,Timmy So, it's about sticking to enduring principles?Exactly,Mrs. Parker Exactly, Timmy! Legacies of wisdom transcend the ephemeral allure of the present.Gotit,Timmy Got it, if we think long-term, we can build something lasting!Plot: A teacher explains the importance of longter thinking. Quotes to use: Gamblers are high risk investors in the short term. There is lots of competition for short term. Planning over long term requires adhering to enduring principles and creates a moat for longterm thinkers who don't give in to short term impulsive behavior. Legacies of wisdom that transcend the ephemeral allure of the present. Image prompt template: An Impressionist [moment] capturing the essence of [specific action], with visible brushstrokes and a focus on light and color. Use a palette of [COLOR1] and [COLOR2] to evoke the atmosphere of the scene @Mrs. Parker @Timmy