Nature's WisdomA journey through nature and self-discoveryInaquietforest,undertheglowofthemoon,Mariamgazesatthebeautyaroundher.Narrator In a quiet forest, under the glow of the moon, Mariam gazes at the beauty around her.Whydoesbeautyfeelsofarawaysometimes,Iwonder?Mariam Why does beauty feel so far away sometimes, I wonder? Shesitsonanemptybench,feelinglostinherthoughts.Narrator She sits on an empty bench, feeling lost in her thoughts.IhaveeverythingIneed,butIstillfeelunfulfilled.Mariam I have everything I need, but I still feel unfulfilled. Suddenly,amajestichorseappears,captivatingherattention.Narrator Suddenly, a majestic horse appears, captivating her attention.Areyouheretoshowmesomething?Mariam Are you here to show me something?Thehorseleadsherdeeperintotheforest,revealinghiddenwonders.Narrator The horse leads her deeper into the forest, revealing hidden wonders.Theexperienceisnothinglikeshehaseverseen.Narrator The experience is nothing like she has ever seen. Whatthismakeswerealizeis,BeautyisnotjustwhatIsee,butwhatitmakesmefeel!Mariam What this makes we realize is,Beauty is not just what I see, but what it makes me feel! Image prompt template: A Duotone Minimalist Landscape featuring [SUBJECT], stripping down the scenery to essential elements using only [COLOR1] and [COLOR2] for a serene and impactful image Subject: tree, moon, forest, bench under a street lamp, tea pot, horse Plot: the discover of beauty @Mariam