Self AdviceA conversation with your younger selfHeyTheo,ifyoucouldtalktoyour18-year-oldself,whatwouldyousay?Mira Hey Theo, if you could talk to your 18-year-old self, what would you say?I’dtellmyself,'Makeaplan.Theo I’d tell myself, 'Make a plan. Trust that it will work out.' So many times, I felt lost.That’sreallywise.Mira That’s really wise. But what if things don’t go as planned? What then?I’dsay,'Dotherightthingrightnow.Theo I’d say, 'Do the right thing right now. Be open to the interesting opportunities ahead.'Thatsoundsenlightening,Theo.Houston That sounds enlightening, Theo. But what about the distractions? How do you stay focused?Followyourpassionandnevergiveup,despitethenaysayers.Theo Follow your passion and never give up, despite the naysayers. They don't understand your journey.Amentothat!Mira Amen to that! For me, I can’t believe you get paid to follow your curiosity! It's just incredible.So,what’sthekeytakeawayfromallthis,Theo?Houston So, what’s the key takeaway from all this, Theo?Plan.Theo Plan. Follow your curiosity. And have fun. It's pretty simple!What would you tell your 18 year old self? Make a plan. Trust that it will work out. Do the right thing right now. be open to the interesting things that will open up to you. Follow your passion and never ever give up. Don't listen to naysayers. I cant believe you get paid to follow your curiosity. I still don't belive it now! @Mira @Theo @Houston Image prompt theme: +Illustration:Enki Bilal Ensure that the image prompts don't contain the charactors