Behavior & PreferenceWhat you do vs. what you wantInabrightclassroomwithcolorfulpostersandalargewindow,Narrator In a bright classroom with colorful posters and a large window, sits an unpredictable examiner, Mrs. Parker, discussing a profound yet simple question.Whatdoyouwantfromthenext5years?Mrs. Parker What do you want from the next 5 years?Iwanttobuildarobotthatcandomyhomework!Timmy I want to build a robot that can do my homework!That'sambitious,Mrs. Parker That's ambitious, Timmy. But let's think about how we get thereShepicksupasmartphone,Narrator She picks up a smartphone, a smart TV remote, and a voice assistant device, lining them up on her desk.Algorithmswecurrentlyuseassumebehaviorequalspreference.Buttheystrugglewithlong-termobjectives.Mrs. Parker Algorithms we currently use assume behavior equals preference. But they struggle with long-term objectives.So,Timmy So, how do we fix it?Wemustincentthesealgorithmstoalignwithlong-termpreferences.StartwiththequestionIstartedwith,Mrs. Parker We must incent these algorithms to align with long-term preferences. Start with the question I started with, What do you want from the next 5 years?Plot: A teacher explains the difference between behavior and preferences. Quotes: Algorithms we correctly currently use, naively assume that behavior is preferences. Models really struggle with long-term objectives. You have to incent these algorithms to long-term preferences. The question the user should strat with is: what do you want from the next 5 years? @Mrs. Parker: Unpredictable Examiner @Timmy: Resourceful 8yr old Objects: smartphone, smart TV, fitness tracker, smart thermostat, voice assistant device, self-driving car, gaming console, smart refrigerator, wearable health monitor, home security camera, Mirror, Carrot, Compass, Roadmap, Calendar, Telescope, Hourglass, Journal, Time Capsule, Anchor +Theme: [object] Rendered in the style of whimsical sketch art, featuring loose, expressive linework and a playful use of color. The composition incorporates a mix of detailed and simplistic elements, with an emphasis on spontaneity and artistic freedom. The overall tone is lighthearted and imaginative, with a blend of cartoonish and illustrative touches.