Kobayashi MaruLessons from Captain Musk's AdventuresSo,MrsParker,whydowekeeprunningintoissueswithourmarchingorders?Timmy So, Mrs Parker, why do we keep running into issues with our marching orders? The flowers are dying no matter what I do.It'ssimple,Timmy.Mrs. Parker It's simple, Timmy. Your orders are definitely dumb; it does not matter who gave them to you.Butwhatifitwasasmartpersonwhogavethemtous?Timmy But what if it was a smart person who gave them to us? Shouldn't we trust their judgment?That’sparticularlydangerous!Mrs. Parker That’s particularly dangerous! You might not question them enough. Captain Musk always questions orders. So,what’sthenextstepifwerealizeourordersareflawed?Timmy So, what’s the next step if we realize our orders are flawed?Deleteasteporprocess.Mrs. Parker Delete a step or process. If you're not adding things back in at least 10% of the time, you're clearly not deleting enough.Buthowdoweensureourplaniseffective?Timmy But how do we ensure our plan is effective?Simplifyoroptimizetheplan.Mrs. Parker Simplify or optimize the plan. Often, the question is dumb and shouldn't be dealt with as-stated. That's the Kobayashi Maru.So,ifthat’sourapproach,howcanwespeedthingsup?Timmy So, if that’s our approach, how can we speed things up?Acceleratecycletime!Mrs. Parker Accelerate cycle time! If you're digging your grave, don't dig faster. You need to go faster, but only after you figure out the plan.Butwhataboutourrobots?Timmy But what about our robots? Can we give some tasks to them?First,wequestionassumptions.Mrs. Parker First, we question assumptions. Then we eliminate waste, optimize the process, and move faster. Only then do we let the robots take over.Kobayashi Maru Problem. A video about learning from the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk. List all these steps and quotes in the video: Make the requirements less dumb. "Your requirements are definitely dumb; it does not matter who gave them to you. It’s particularly dangerous if a smart person gave you the requirements because you might not question them enough. Put your name on it, not the team's name." Delete the part or process. "If you're not adding things back in at least 10% of the time, you're clearly not deleting enough. Remove unnecessary in-process testing after production debugging is done." Simplify or optimize the design. "Everyone's trained to jump to this because the educational process requires you to answer a question as posed, when often the question is dumb and shouldn't be dealt with as-stated." Kobayashi Maru. Accelerate cycle time. "If you're digging your grave, don't dig faster. You are moving too slowly, go faster." Automate. "Hand it to the machines. Move on to something else and start again. " @Timmy @Mrs. Parker Image prompt theme: start trek adventure, modern, sleek, Minimalist