Finding WishesA journey of self-discoveryIloveallthesefestivethings,butwhatdoIreallywant?Mariam I love all these festive things, but what do I really want?Lookatallthisconfetti!Mariam Look at all this confetti! It makes me feel happy, so maybe I want a party.Butthen,IseefireworksandIwonderifIwantsomethingmoreexciting.Mariam But then, I see fireworks and I wonder if I want something more exciting.Ialsolovefood!Mariam I also love food! So maybe I just want a feast with my friends.ButthenIthink,Iwantsomethingthatlastslongerthanjustaday.Mariam But then I think, I want something that lasts longer than just a day.Whataboutachallenge?Mariam What about a challenge? Something to keep me engaged all year round!SoIcanhaveaparty,enjoyfood,andhangupmylanterntocelebratelife!Mariam So I can have a party, enjoy food, and hang up my lantern to celebrate life!AndIwantmusictofillmyheartwithjoywhileIdigintomychallenge.Mariam And I want music to fill my heart with joy while I dig into my challenge.Image prompt template: paper cut craft, paper illustration, beautiful [object] colors, scattered sparkles, [color] background, festive scenes Objects: Candles, Confetti, Fireworks, Food, Garlands, Lanterns, Music, Wreaths Plot: a little girl tries to figure out what she truely wants