Branding SecretsThe Three Golden Rules of MarketingInatranquilartspace,threecreativemindsgathertounravelthesecretsofbranding.Narrator In a tranquil art space, three creative minds gather to unravel the secrets of branding.So,let'sdiveintothethreegoldenrulesofbrandmarketing:Understandwhoyouare,understandwhotheyare,andpushtheboundaries!C3PO So, let's dive into the three golden rules of brand marketing: Understand who you are, understand who they are, and push the boundaries!Buthowdoweimplementtheseruleseffectively?Samantha But how do we implement these rules effectively? Sometimes it feels like we're painting in the dark!So,understandingourbrandisonething,butknowingouraudience?Theo So, understanding our brand is one thing, but knowing our audience? That's like trying to paint their dreams!So,let'sstartwithsomefunresearch!C3PO So, let's start with some fun research! Engagement on social media could be our brush for painting a clear picture!Butonceweknowouraudience,howdowepushtheboundarieswithoutriskingacolorclash?Samantha But once we know our audience, how do we push the boundaries without risking a color clash? It’s a tricky balance!So,it’sallaboutfindingthatharmony!Theo So, it’s all about finding that harmony! We can take creative risks while staying true to our artistic vision!Whatifourcampaignsmadepeoplelaughtoo?C3PO What if our campaigns made people laugh too? A little humor makes everything more fun!The three golden rules of brand marketing: Understand who you are, understand who they are and push the boundaries to balance between fear and confidence. Only keyword to apply to all image prompts and no text in background: +Dan Clowes Scene: serene whimsical art space Use this principle the create a video about this concept @C3PO @Samantha @Theo