Stay CuriousStay WeirdIjustsawthelatesttrendonline,Timmy I just saw the latest trend online, and I want to jump on it!ButTimmy,Mrs. Parker But Timmy, don't pursue the current hot thing. Zig when everyone else Zags.So,Timmy So, what should I do instead?Instead,Mrs. Parker Instead, find something that captures your curiosity. Position yourself and wait for the wave to come to you.So,Timmy So, I just wait? How do I know what wave to catch?Lookouttothehorizon.Mrs. Parker Look out to the horizon. Whenever you discover a new approach that works for you, share it with others. Focus on your customer needs and backprop to update your offering.So,Timmy So, I should focus on what I am curious about and what people really need, not just the trends?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! Zigging when others zagging will lead you to unique opportunities.Enoughchasinghottrends,Timmy Enough chasing hot trends, time to do what fires me up! I’ll position myself just right for the wave to roll in, and when it does, I’ll share everything I’ve learned with the people who truly need it.Plot: Stay curious, stay weird Timmy tries to follow the hot trend. Mrs. Parker offers advise on Zigging wehn everyon is Zagging. Find something you are curious about, position yourself for the wave to come to you. Once you solve it for yourself, share it with others. Focus on your customer needs and backprop to update your offering. Quotes to use: Don't pursue the current hot thing. Zig when everyone else Zags. Instead, Do something that captures your curiosity. position yourself and wait for the wave to come to you. One you solve it, share it and find your customers. Focus on customer needs and backprop. bgImagePrompt template: in a minimal style, C4D, HDR, extreme detailing, the scene is set against a night moon light, incorporating a color theme of green with copper gold accents., a 3D-rendered delicate [subject] features a ornate lunar decorate theme with copper gold lines, matted [subject feature] design, and is set on a rock in the lake, moon night sky, creating a serene atmosphere @Mrs. Parker @Timmy