Next Disruptor AwaitsWill a Real-Life C3PO EmergeIntheearly90s,Netscapelaunchedwithoutimageorvideotags,butitintroducedJavaScript,ignitingarevolution.Narrator In the early 90s, Netscape launched without image or video tags, but it introduced JavaScript, igniting a revolution.So,whileNetscapeinnovatedonJavaScript,MicrosoftExplorerquicklyfollowedsuit,addingimagetagsandCSS.Red Bull So, while Netscape innovated on JavaScript, Microsoft Explorer quickly followed suit, adding image tags and CSS.Butasbrowsersimproved,anexplosionofwebpagesemerged,creatingacrucialneedforsearchengines.Luna But as browsers improved, an explosion of web pages emerged, creating a crucial need for search engines.That'swhenGooglecamein,innovatingwithbacklinkstoenhancerelevanceinsearchresults.Narrator That's when Google came in, innovating with backlinks to enhance relevance in search results.Fastforwardtotoday,andwe'rewitnessinganotherCambrianexplosion,thistimeinAIwithChatGPTleadingthecharge.Narrator Fast forward to today, and we're witnessing another Cambrian explosion, this time in AI with ChatGPT leading the charge.So,ChatGPTintroducedfunctioncallingandlargereasoningmodels.Red Bull So, ChatGPT introduced function calling and large reasoning models. And Google innovated with large context windows, but the challenge remains: how to manage the content overload?That'swherepersonalizedpromptscomeintoplay,helpingusersnavigatethisoverwhelmingseaofinformation.Luna That's where personalized prompts come into play, helping users navigate this overwhelming sea of information.Totrulywinthisrace,weneedtoindexalltheseprompts,reasonoverthembasedoneachuser'sneeds,andbecomeagenuinelyusefulassistant.C3PO To truly win this race, we need to index all these prompts, reason over them based on each user's needs, and become a genuinely useful assistant. It might take a real-world robot to solve this problem.Take the user through history and make a compelling story. When Netscape launched, it did not have an image tag or video tags. It innovated on JavaScript. Added image tags. Microsoft explorer on the other hand added the same and also innovated on CSS. The browser innovation caused an explosion of web pages requiring the need for a search engine. It took Google to innovate on using backlinks to solve relavancy. Similarly, ChatGPT innovated on function calling, gpt store and reasoning models like 01. Gemini implement long context. As AI creates a cambrian explosion of content, prompts that generate the personalized content become important. A startup that can index these prompts, reason against a users needs and become a useful assistant is what might win the race. It might take a real world robot to solve this problem. @C3PO @Luna @Red Bull Theme across all image prompts: +Dick Bruna:Illustrators