GoalboundBattle between goals and habits. Inaquiettown,ayoungwomannamedMirastrugglestofindherpurpose.Narrator In a quiet town, a young woman named Mira struggles to find her purpose.Ican'tseemtoachieveanythingworthwhile.Mira I can't seem to achieve anything worthwhile. Maybe setting a goal will help me focus.So,Mirasetsagoaltorunamarathon,believingitwillchangeherlife.Narrator So, Mira sets a goal to run a marathon, believing it will change her life.Everyday,Iwakeupearly,andI’mstartingtofeeldifferent.Mira Every day, I wake up early, and I’m starting to feel different. I can do this!Butasweekspass,thepressureofhergoalbeginstoweighheavilyonher.Narrator But as weeks pass, the pressure of her goal begins to weigh heavily on her.Mybraincan'tletgoofmygoal.Mira My brain can't let go of my goal. I’m afraid of failing agai, more than the thought of winning. What if I fail?So,Mirapushesthrough,formingnewhabitsaroundherrunning,butstruggleswiththefearoflosingheridentityifshefails.Narrator So, Mira pushes through, forming new habits around her running, but struggles with the fear of losing her identity if she fails.I’veinvestedsomuchintothisgoal,butwhatifIwanttochangedirectionmidstream?Mira I’ve invested so much into this goal, but what if I want to change direction midstream?Asthemarathondayapproaches,sherealizesthatsettingagoalwasthebestthingshedid.Narrator As the marathon day approaches, she realizes that setting a goal was the best thing she did. It got her to change! I’vechangedsomuch,buttochange,youneedtofocus.Mira I’ve changed so much, but to change, you need to focus. How to achieve something: When you set a goal, your brain thinks you already achieved it. The next time you work on something your brain is trying to hold on to that goal which is part of your identity. Loss aversion: Our brains are set to value fear of losing something than gaining something new. Setting goals can lead to consistent behavior leading to habits. Setting goals makes it harder to change direction though. Create plot around something like someone struggling to achieve anything. Created a goal and changed their life. Created habits. End with a twist about change being hard after setting a goal.