Air HeadA Journey Through Memory LaneInatintedworld,apeculiarmanwalksthecobbledstreets.Narrator In a tinted world, a peculiar man walks the cobbled streets.Everwonderedwhatit'sliketolivewithaballoonforahead?Marvin Ever wondered what it's like to live with a balloon for a head?You'reMarvin,right?Luna You're Marvin, right? The man who never forgets a face... literally.Yes,andeachfaceIseegetsetchedinmymemories,floatingendlessly.Marvin Yes, and each face I see gets etched in my memories, floating endlessly. The reason for my balloon head.Mustbealightexistencefloatingthroughlifelikethat.Luna Must be a light existence, floating through life like that.Light,yetheavywithmemories.Marvin Light, yet heavy with memories. Want to see what I remember?Leadtheway,Airhead.Luna Lead the way, airhead.Together,theydelvedeeperintoMarvin'smind,eachturnrevealingmorethanthelast.Narrator Together, they delve deeper into Marvin's mind, each turn revealing more than the last.A man with a balloon head. Theme: 35 mm film