Habit PowerDaily routines shape our excellenceTimmy,Mrs. Parker Timmy, have you ever thought about how habits shape our lives?Iguess,Timmy I guess, but I just do what I feel like each day. Why does it matter?So,Mrs. Parker So, Timmy, think about it this way: every small action can lead to a big change, like planting seeds.ButwhatifIforgettowatertheseeds?Timmy But what if I forget to water the seeds? What if my habits are bad?That'sthepoint!Mrs. Parker That's the point! You can choose to water them daily. Change your routine, and you change your life.So,Timmy So, if I start small, like reading for 10 minutes a day, I could improve?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! We are what we repeatedly do. Small changes lead to big results, just like a river carving a canyon.Gotit!Timmy Got it! Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.Plot: make it a habit “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” BgImagePromt theme: Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, A bright, impressionistic-style oil painting featuring thick, textural brushstrokes and a soft, sunlit color palette. The composition exhibits a warm, Mediterranean-inspired ambiance, with subtle gradations of light and shadow, evoking a serene and timeless quality. Paint handling is loose yet deliberate, capturing the essence of a tranquil scene under radiant daylight, reminiscent of classical Southern European masters. @Mrs. Parker @Timmy