Machine EmotionsIf machines can think, what are we here for? So,ifmachinescanthink,whatareweherefor?Mrs. Parker So, if machines can think, what are we here for?Butmachinescansolveproblemswithdeterministicgoals;Mariam But machines can solve problems with deterministic goals; they lack our emotions.Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! We are driven by emotion, while machines are purely thought.So,wetrytocontrolouremotionsusingourlogicalsideofthebrain.Mariam So, we try to control our emotions using our logical side of the brain.Butwhatifmachinestakeoverthethinkingpart?Mrs. Parker But what if machines take over the thinking part? Would we just feel and amplify?So,inthatcase,ourrolewouldshifttooneofemotionalexpressionandconnection.Mariam So, in that case, our role would shift to one of emotional expression and connection.Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! We could focus on what we do best – feeling and empathizing.If machines can think, what are we hear for? Well machines can solve thinking problems that have deterministic goal. However, they do not have the emotions we have. We are driven by emotion, not thought. Machines are only thought. We try to control our emotions using our logical side of the brain. May be if machines take over the thinking part, all we do is feel and amplify? Image prompt theme: warm, pastel hues, where surreal, wide-eyed cute beings. both tender and slightly mischievous, with a playful contrast between soft, organic shapes, infused with pastel hues—peachy oranges and sandy beiges for the background, contrasted by occasional bursts of more vivid color like magenta, chartreuse, or teal. This balanced palette evokes a sense of gentleness and wonder, with bright accents acting as focal points amidst a tranquil, otherworldly ambience @Mrs. Parker @Mariam