Elephant EatingA funny take on elephant wisdomHaveyoueverthoughtabouttacklingahugeproblem?Mrs. Parker Have you ever thought about tackling a huge problem? You know, like eating an elephant?Ha,goodone.Timmy Ha, good on. One bite at a time. How do you fit four elephants in a car, then? It’s all about strategy!Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! Two in the front and two in the back. We need to show others that big challenges can be overcome with simple solutions.Butwhatiftheproblemissobig?Timmy But what if the problem is so big? Like an elephant sitting on a fence? What time is it when an elephant does that?It'stimetogetanewfence,Timmy!Mrs. Parker It's time to get a new fence, Timmy! An elephant never forgets... it's probably still thinking about that time it tried to sit on this fence!So,thekeyistobreakdowntheproblemintosmaller,manageableparts,justliketakingonebiteatatime,usingsimplesolutionsandlearningfromthepast!Timmy So, the key is to break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts, just like taking one bite at a time, using simple solutions and learning from the past! It's all about the Ele-phundamentals Mrs. Parker!How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you fit 4 elephants in a car? Two in the front and two in the back. Why did the elephant cross the road? To prove to the chicken it could be done! What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence? Time to get a new fence! What do you call an elephant that never forgets? An elephant! @Mrs. Parker @Timmy +Illustrators:Romero Britto