LifePrivacy & ConvenienceInthishyper-automatedworld,thechoiceisclear:totalconvenienceorfullprivacy.Pixels In this hyper-automated world, the choice is clear: total convenience or full privacy.Butwhatifthepriceofprivacyisourverysanity?Neon shogun But what if the price of privacy is our very sanity?Manythinkprivacyistheirright,butthetruthisitmayjustbeafaçade.Pixels Many think privacy is their right, but the truth is it may just be a façade.So,ifIgiveupmyprivacy,whatamIreallygaining?Neon shogun So, if I give up my privacy, what am I really gaining?Theprivacyoptionissecretlybuildingaharness,creatingaworldwherenooneistrulyfree.Pixels The privacy option is secretly building a harness, creating a world where no one is truly free.ButifIchooseconvenience,willIlosemyselfintheprocess?Neon shogun But if I choose convenience, will I lose myself in the process?Whatiftherealsolutionistoembracethechaos,tofindsanityinthenoise?Pixels What if the real solution is to embrace the chaos, to find sanity in the noise?Igotit!Neon shogun I got it! It's homomorphic encryption! I choose to use math to reclaim my sanity.You'reright!Pixels You're right! Math, always delivers.Plot: In a hyper-automated future, citizens must choose between full privacy and total convenience, with @Neon shogun caught in the middle of a decision that could change her life. Twist: The privacy option is revealed to be a façade, secretly mining the holes in the data aiming to wirehead everyone. She chooses to give up privacy to gain sanity. @Pixels @Neon shogun +Visual Artists:Edward Tufte