Unlikely FriendshipA monster, a girl, and a surprising twistInamagicalforest,ahugemonsterwithfieryredandyellowhairstandsoveralittlegirlwithshinyblackhair.Narrator In a magical forest, a huge monster with fiery red and yellow hair stands over a little girl with shiny black hair.Whyareyousobrave,littlegirl?Red Monster Why are you so brave, little girl? Aren't you scared of me?I’mnotscared!Nikki I’m not scared! You just look lonely. Maybe you just need a friend!So,she’sright!Monk So, she’s right! Monsters can have feelings too. But they often hide them away.I'vebeenaloneforsolong.Red Monster I've been alone for so long. But I don't know how to make friends.Let’splaytogether!Nikki Let’s play together! I can teach you how to have fun!So,it’snevertoolatetolearn.Monk So, it’s never too late to learn. But it takes courage to step out of your comfort zone.Okay!Red Monster Okay! I’ll give it a try! How about a game of tag?Withthosewords,themonsterpushedthroughtotheotherNarrator With those words, the monster pushed through to the other sideThe huge monster with red and yellow hair faces a little girl with black hair, an old man kneels down on one knee to hide his face from view while bowing his head to the girl, ghibli vibes, cel shading. @Mrs. Parker @Nikki @Red Bull