Tame AngerSimple Steps to Find Calm in ChaosTimmysitsinhisroom,feelingoverwhelmedbyangerafteratoughday.Narrator Timmy sits in his room, feeling overwhelmed by anger after a tough day.Ijustdon'tknowhowtodealwiththisanger.Timmy I just don't know how to deal with this anger...Timmy,trypausingandbreathing.Mrs. Parker Timmy, try pausing and breathing. It really helps to calm down.Next,Timmydecidestoengageinphysicalactivity,runningthroughthepark.Narrator Next, Timmy decides to engage in physical activity, running through the park.Letmetrythisstressballtoo!Timmy Let me try this stress ball too! It's helping me focus.Butremembertogroundyourself.Mrs. Parker But remember to ground yourself. Feel the earth beneath your feet.Timmythinksaboutshiftinghisfocusanddecidestowritedownhisfeelings.Narrator Timmy thinks about shifting his focus and decides to write down his feelings.Talkingtomyfriendshelps.Timmy Talking to my friends helps. They always have great advice.Trychannelingyourangercreatively!Mrs. Parker Try channeling your anger creatively! Art can be a powerful outlet.GreattipsMrs.Timmy Great tips Mrs. Parker. That certainly helped! Wonder why evolution gave us anger if we can't think straight?Give me 5 things to do when you are angry Body & Mind: Pause and Breathe Engage in Physical Activity Use a Stress-Relief Tool Perform a Grounding Exercise Cognitive & Emotional: Shift Your Focus Reframe Your Thoughts Practice Gratitude Expression & Connection: Write It Down Talk to a Trusted Person Channel It Creatively @Timmy @Mrs. Parker Image prompt theme: +Photographers:Jimmy Marble