Finding FlowApathy to ActionTimmysitsinhisroom,Narrator Timmy sits in his room, staring blankly at his toys, feeling unmotivated and stuck.Timmy,Mrs. Parker Timmy, sometimes you need to dig deep to find what makes things interesting.ButhowdoImakesomethinginteresting?Timmy But how do I make something interesting? It all seems boring!Flowstateisthegoal,Mrs. Parker Flow state is the goal, Timmy! It's the intrinsic motivation that counts. You have to find it.Timmypondersthisthoughtashegazesathisblankcanvas.Narrator Timmy ponders this thought as he gazes at his blank canvas.Ifyoubuildsomethingthatcomesfromaflowstate,Mrs. Parker If you build something that comes from a flow state, you can create something unique.So,Timmy So, I just need to dive deep and build something for myself and share it?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! And if the level you’re on is too common, move up or down the stack to find your unique niche.Timmyfeelsasparkofexcitementashebeginstoenvisionhisproject.Heisstillfearfuloftheunknown.Narrator Timmy feels a spark of excitement as he begins to envision his project. He is still fearful of the unknown.Isignorancebliss?Mrs. Parker Is ignorance bliss? Yes, Timmy! But don't let that stop you from taking risks. Embrace a beginner's mindset!So,Timmy So, if I learn and take calculated risks without fearing the unknown, I can create something that I am truly proud of?Exactly!Mrs. Parker Exactly! Not only that, if everyone does this, it pushes all of us forward.Plot: Timmy is not motivated to do any thing. Mrs. Parker suggests digging deep to make anything intesesting. Once it is interesting, getting in to a flow state to create something no one can. Then embrace the begginers mindset, take risk and monetise it. Go up or down the stack if needed. Thats what runs the economy. You could be a big company too. All that's required is to get into flow. Quotes for the script: Flow State: Getting into flow is the goal. It's the intrinsic motivation that counts, getting into flow state is what it craves. If you build something because you reached a flow state no one could, take risk and build a business that monetizes it.Build something for yourself and share it with others to make money. If the level you currently are on is commoditized, move up or down the stack to monetize.Is ignorance bliss? Yes, otherwise you won't try to monetize it to the level needed and take appropriate risk. Embrace a beginner's mindset and don't let fear of the unknown hold you back.. Self-awareness and a willingness to learn should drive your risk tolerance. Calculated risk is what keeps the economy afloat. If it succeeds, it's growth, else it's inflation. Half of the companies in S&P 500 will be replaced in this decade.If you don't yet know what to work on, dig deep, you will always find gold. Anything can be interesting if you just dive in and get into a flow state. bgImagePrompt template: paper cut craft, paper illustration, beautiful tropical holiday colors, scattered sparkles, pale greenblue background, festive scenes, poster, greeting card Extend the script as needed to fit the story. @Timmy @Mrs. Parker