Monkey TrapA tale of greed & perverse incentives.Welcome,villagers!Josh Welcome, villagers! I bring news of a fortune! Foreign countries are desperate for monkeys!Fellowvillagefriends,thisisourchance!Arnold Fellow village friends, this is our chance! Let's capture every monkey we can find! Easy riches await!Asthevillagerstrapmonkeys,itbecomeshardertofindnewmonkeys.Narrator As the villagers trap monkeys, it becomes harder to find new monkeys.Butwait!Sam But wait! I can sell you monkeys back for half the reward! Quick profits for everyone here!Drivenbygreed,villagerstakeoutloansandbuythemonkeys,believingtheycanresellthemonkeysforprofit.Narrator Driven by greed, villagers take out loans and buy the monkeys, believing they can resell the monkeys for profit. But, Josh is nowhere to be seen.Asmonkeysbecomeahouseholdnorm,disorderspreads,andthevillageisoverrun.Narrator As monkeys become a household norm, disorder spreads, and the village is overrun.Thegovernmenthasintroducedanewpolicy:arewardforreleasingmonkeysbackintothewild!Antoni The government has introduced a new policy: a reward for releasing monkeys back into the wild!So,inhopesofrecoupingtheirlosses,villagersstartbreedingmoremonkeystorelease,creatingchaos.Narrator So, in hopes of recouping their losses, villagers start breeding more monkeys to release, creating chaos.Theforestsfailtorecover,agricultureisoverrun,andstarvationensues.Narrator The forests fail to recover, agriculture is overrun, and starvation ensues. A grim testament to how unchecked greed and perverse incentives can destroy even the most prosperous societies. Learningfromourcrisis,wearebanningspeculativehoardingandestablishinganagencytoenforceit.Antoni Learning from our crisis, we are banning speculative hoarding and establishing an agency to enforce it. We’re confident this will secure a stable and prosperous future.Plot: @Josh, a charismatic trader, arrives in a thriving village, offering an extravagant reward for monkeys, claiming they are highly sought after by foreign dignitaries. Enticed by promises of easy riches, the villagers, led by @Arnold, eagerly trap and sell every monkey they can find, quickly depleting the local forest. As monkeys become scarce, @josh’s cunning associate, @Sam steps in, offering to sell monkeys back to the villagers for half the promised reward. Desperate and greedy, the villagers take out loans to buy monkeys, believing they can resell them for a profit. All houses host monkeys, and debt binds the entire village. Twist: With no buyer ever appearing, the village becomes overrun with monkeys, and disorder spreads. The government sends an envoy, @Antoni, to introduce a new policy: a reward for releasing monkeys back into the wild. Hoping to recoup their losses, villagers breed even more monkeys to release to the wild, unleashing an ecological catastrophe. The forests fail to recover, agriculture is overrun by monkeys, and starvation ensues. Civilization crumbles, a grim testament to how unchecked greed and perverse incentives can destroy even the most prosperous societies. Image prompt theme: Watercolor with ink pen outline